DevBlog: ARMORED…Well, not dolphins.
Dev Blog: Schism MP map, talking about maps in general
Kickstarter Campaign is live
Core Gameplay: Resources

Welcome back, SargeRho here once again. Continuing our onslaught of dev blogs, we’re going to look at our current plans for the resource system. Because the two Human factions, and the Alien faction have slightly different resources, this dev blog will have three sections: Common resources, Human resources and Alien…
Ground Combat, maybe?
April Update: Humongous edition
Diving into the Submarine mechanics

Let’s begin with acknowledging that pun titles are the best kind of titles, shall we? This time we’re taking a look at yet another major set of game mechanics: Submarines, using the TDN Type-192 Attack Submarine as our test subject. The Type-192 is armed with several torpedo tubes effective against…
Raising the Flag(ship)
November 26th Update

Welcome back aboard, Cap’ns! Today’s update consists mostly new new TDN units, as well as some work-in-progress renders, and a little glimpse at things to come. So let’s get right to it, shall we? CG-122 “Wreathe” Class Cruiser The Wreathe carries siy 8″ cannons on 3 turrets, firing special anti-aircraft…