December 2021 Update

We haven’t posted one of these in a while! We’ve been chipping away at the game where we could in the recent months. We’ve started doing some internal playtesting, and we’re preparing to publish the steam page. Since all of us are plenty busy with our day jobs, progress is…

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Dev Blog: Superweapons

As Electric Six would put it, “Let’s start a war, start a nuclear war!”. Long time no posting, how are all me hearties? Today I want to discuss Superweapons in Ardent Seas, and how they’ll work. Specifically, the Coalition Navy and TDN superweapons, which are carried by the Project 41…

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DevBlog: Base Building

TDN Base

Arrr, me hearties! I can’t say that out loud. That sounds horrible. Cursed german accent! Where were we? Ah, yes. Base building. Let’s get right to it! I have to say in advance that most of what you see here is not yet fully implemented, but everything will look and work…

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